We’ve got two big announcements to make!
1) Shannon our Event Director move to Australia to pursue her PhD.
2) We’d like to welcome our new NAH Event Director, Seema!
Read the deets below!
Thank you, Shannon!
Shannon was our Event Director since 2019 but had to step down this year because she moved to Australia to pursue her PhD. She joined the team to help improve the organization and running of the NAH Championship series. One of her big contributions while on the NAH Team was creating the NAH Tournament Handbook, in collaboration with Dan Vee. This Handbook will help clubs more smoothly organize and host NAH Championships.
Congrats Shannon on the move and pursuing your PhD and thank you SO MUCH for all your hard work over the years, we appreciate you and we’ll miss you!

Welcome Seema, our new Event Director!
We’d like to welcome our new NAH Event Director, Seema! Welcome to the team! We’re excited about your energy and all the big ideas you have!

About Seema
Seema was born out West, grew up in the South and spent her college and post college life in the Midwest. She currently resides in Greenville, SC where she looks to revive the Bike Polo club while creating a “How to Start a New Club” guide for other players to utilize.
Seema started playing Bike Polo in 2017 for Lafayette Bike Polo (Lafayette, IN), just 2 months prior to hosting her first Bike Polo Tournament. In the 5 years she has been playing she has hosted the following Bike Polo Events.
- Riverside Spring Opener (2017)
- “ Bike Polo Actually has Rules” Workshop (2018)
- Riverside Spring Opener(2018)
- Donata Bike Polo: Base Camp (2018)
- Star City Tournament (2018)
- Riverside Spring Opener(2019)
During her time in Lafayette, she worked to strengthen the relationship with the local Parks Department which eventually allowed LBP to build a permanent shed on Parks Property to house loaner equipment. Seema also established the club’s non-profit status as a 501(c)3 – Amatuer Spots Club. She was in the process of writing grants and looking to raise funds for future courts to be able to house regional (and possibly worlds) tournaments when covid hit, causing her to close her Venue in Lafayette (which she had for 8 years) and return home to South Carolina.
See now works as a Freelance Event Coordinator and venue consultant specializing in Artist Relations, Hospitality, and Event Logistics for Music Festivals and events that house anywhere between 2,000 to 200,000 people.
Seema hopes to bring to NAH an energetic view to the event experience in the Bike Polo world by offering virtual workshops and assisting clubs in strengthening the relationships between clubs and their local parks departments. She also hopes to help clubs see the positive benefits in hosting bike polo events in their community.
While listed as “Princess Slaya” on podium, she has not been successful in getting the nickname to stick in the polo community. Any help is greatly appreciated 😉
Want to say hi or connect? Send Seema an email at seema@nahardcourt.com