We’re happy to announce that Jennifer Spencer is the new NAH President. Regional Reps cast their votes on December 17th, 2018 and Jenny won the required majority of votes. All reps who voted, voted “Yes” to her assuming the role of President. Regional Reps were asked to connect with their region’s Club Reps to garner […]
Candidate for NAH President
The NAH put out a call in November for applications for vacant leadership positions. NAH received only one application for the NAH President position and zero applications for the Rules Director and Rules Coordinator positions. The application for NAH President will go to the Regional Reps for a vote on December 17th, 2018. Regional Reps […]
Numbers and Bike Polo
Occasionally playing members in North America take on independent work which is worth spreading to a wider audience. In this instance, Elliot Bosveld, of Seattle Bike Polo, has spent a significant amount of time studying the recorded games from the WHBPC 2017. He has put together an extensive statistics repost on his findings. We encourage […]
NAH Roles & Descriptions
Want to get involved in the NAH and help organize? We are looking for the next NAH President, a Rules Director and Referee Coordinator. See the job and roles descriptions below and how to apply. To apply, send a photo of yourself and answers to the following questions to adam@nahardcourt.com. Please limit your answers to […]
Big Monday
The 2018 NAHBPC is done, and another season of North American bike polo is complete. We would not be here without the hard work of many people. First, a thank you to this year’s host of NAs, Milwaukee Bike Polo. They worked hard to provide a great space for this year’s event, and their work […]