North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


Qualification to WHBPC 2019

Regional Qualifiers and the NAHBPC 2019 will be Squad. The process for shifting from Squad to 3v3 for WHBPC was discussed and decided on by Regional Reps and the NAH Tournament Director and is as follows. Traditionally we use NAHBPC as a qualification ground for WHBPC. We have only ever needed this system when WHBPC […]

Seattle will host 2019 NAHBPC

The NAH is pleased to announce that the 2019 NAHBPC will be held in Seattle, WA. Seattle is one of the longest standing clubs in North America and the NAH is excited to work with a club with such rich bike polo history and experience to host this year’s NAHBPC. Seattle’s bid includes significant overhaul […]

Allocation to NAHBPC 2019

Regional allocations for the 2019 season are official. Below you will find your regions allocations based on a two-court NAHBPC. If the number of courts changes, the number of spots awarded will be adjusted accordingly. For an in-depth explanation of the prorated ranking system used to determine Regional allocation, read here. Questions? Email the Tournament […]

Call for 2019 NAHBPC Bids

Welcome to the official call for host bids for the 2019 NAHBPC. This year, the NAH would like to introduce the new NAH Events Team who will help organize and coordinate this year’s Championship. Shannon Fey will be our new Event Director. She will take over as lead organizer, supervisor, and point-person for this year’s […]

NAH Communication Guide

Hello everyone, With a new president and new incoming team members, the NAH would like to take a moment to remind the polo community of some great ways to engage your NAH representatives; Moving forward, NAH team members will not use personal Facebook pages or email address to discuss NAH business. While many of us […]

Posted in NAH