North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


Results of the Bids for the 10th World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship

The World Bike Polo Organising Committee have received 1 bid to host the 10th World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship. The bidding city is: Perpignan, France (EHBA) They offer a venue with 3 courts, and dates in July 2021. Venue: Perpignan – Parc des sports – avenue Paul Alduy – Perpignan Since there is only one […]

Worlds 10 Bid Announcement

Spanish Version The World Hardcourt Bike Polo Organising Committee congratulates Córdoba Bike Polo and Bike Polo Latin America for the successful hosting of the 9th edition of the World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship. We also congratulate Mongrels United on their third consecutive title. The World Hardcourt Bike Polo Organising Committee is now seeking Expressions of […]

Attendance to 2019 WHBPC

Attention NAH community. The WHBPC is approaching fast and we would like to invite anyone interested in attending the World Championship in Córdoba to email Mark at as we have a number of unclaimed spots to fill. If you attended the NAHBPC and you are interested in attending the WHBPC, please speak with your […]

NAH Ruleset 2019

We are happy to announce a small update to the ruleset ahead of the 2019 NAHBPC. After gathering feedback from players and referees who participated in WHPBC 2017 and NAHBPC 2017/2018, the most common and serious topic of discussion was the lack of consistency with Referees, as well as mitigating the benefit of a “clean […]

New NAH Rules Director

Hi polo people, I’m Joel Crandall based out of Asheville, North Carolina. I’ve been playing since 2012. Since then, I’ve helped officiate two World Championships, a handful of NAHBPC and regional qualifiers, as well as hosted a number of annual tournaments here in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I’ve been asked to step up as the […]