If you start wondering why you haven’t seen your favorite polo player out and about in August, it’s probably because they’re going to the World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships in Geneva! These are the teams going to compete from North America at Worlds, let’s keep the title of world champs in North America again! Wish […]
NAHBPC Results
If you didn’t see all the action in Milwaukee last weekend, we missed the best polo in North America this year! You’ll just have to wait for the videos and pester your friends for details about it. However, if you just want to know how everyone came out, we’ve got the results of the tournament […]
North American Championships!
This Friday starts the NAHBPC 2012, in Milwaukee, WI! This is the final stop in the NAH tour, culminating in the best 48 teams from all seven North American regions battling it out for the best team. We know not everyone who wants to will be there, but we’ve collected the links so you can […]
Qualifying for WHBPC 2012
The organizers of this August’s WHBPC 2012 in Geneva have allocated 16 spots to North American teams, plus another 4 or so for a wildcard tournament. NAHBPC 2012 is taking place this July 6-8, which doesn’t give much time for teams who place well to get their tickets for Geneva, so NAH has created a […]
REGISTRATION for the North American Championships 2012
REGISTRATION: Starts today at noon CDT. Here’s how it works folks. Please go to www.hardcourtbikepolo.org. If you are using a different team than any you have played with before, please CREATE a new team in your user profile. Simply click on your name in the upper right hand corner and you can “add a team”. […]