North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


SEQ In Athens, Georgia sends 5 teams to North Americans

The South East Qualifier is over and the results can be found over on LOBP. While we couldn’t find any pictures of the winning team on the internet to share, it is interesting to note that this tournament had a full 32 teams! Way to go Athens and the South East Region. 1 – Team […]

The Journeymen take down Northsides!

Northsides was held in Grand Rapids, Michigan this weekend and are sending 6 teams to the North American Championships. The results are as follows: 1st Journeymen (Allan, Robie OTT, Nick TO) 2nd Call Me Laddy (Brodie, Seamus, Luke OTT) 3rd KMANG (Matt CHI, Ngaihon, kev TO) 4th Handsome Hosers (Adam ARB, heffy, maija TO) 5th […]

Ruleset Version 3.3 for the 2013 Season

Sparing you the details of how this ruleset came about, here it is. This has been in use in various forms this season, but was finally assembled and is ready for release to the public. This will be in use at all NAH Sanctioned Tournaments, specifically the North American Championship. If you have any feedback, […]

Midwest Regional Qualifier Results

The weather and courts were both fantastic in Columbus, Ohio this past weekend for the Midwest Champeenship 11. Anyone watching on or following on podium would have noticed a great deal of upsets, new teams stepping up and the overall quality of play improving in the Midwest. Everything from the playoff for the 9th […]

Boston Results are now Official

The controversy surrounding closed regions has, understandably, been a concern for many people who are moving to new cities or have qualifying date conflicts. The board dealt with the results of the Eastside Qualifier last night and here they are: “Thinly Sliced Cabbage” will be eligible for the North American Championship on a 4-3 vote. […]