We sit exactly 4 weeks away from the 2013 North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships being held in Minneapolis, MN! August 16-18 are the dates and the invitations have been sent! Congratulations to the teams that qualified to participate this year! You can find the list here: http://leagueofbikepolo.com/nahbpc2013#comment-119745 All teams have been contacted and the […]
The Guardians Win Cascadia!
The final qualifier was held in Seattle this weekend and featured one of the strongest fields in the country. We’re not sure how many years in a row this has been for the Guardians, but they managed to do it again! Congratulations to the 9 teams who qualified: 1st Guardians (Cody, julian, Dustin SEA) 2nd […]
Texas Dominates the South Central Qualifier in Denver
For anyone watching the livestream this weekend, you got to see the beautiful scenery, pristine court and impeccable streaming quality. Shout out to Brandon Carter who put together a mighty fine event. Here are the results: 6 Qualified Teams from SCQ: 1. Boobies Make ME SMILE (Pelon, Robert ATX, Andrew SMC) 2. Ghost Wolves (Bob, […]
SEQ In Athens, Georgia sends 5 teams to North Americans
The South East Qualifier is over and the results can be found over on LOBP. While we couldn’t find any pictures of the winning team on the internet to share, it is interesting to note that this tournament had a full 32 teams! Way to go Athens and the South East Region. 1 – Team […]
The Journeymen take down Northsides!
Northsides was held in Grand Rapids, Michigan this weekend and are sending 6 teams to the North American Championships. The results are as follows: 1st Journeymen (Allan, Robie OTT, Nick TO) 2nd Call Me Laddy (Brodie, Seamus, Luke OTT) 3rd KMANG (Matt CHI, Ngaihon, kev TO) 4th Handsome Hosers (Adam ARB, heffy, maija TO) 5th […]