North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


Beavers are your 2013 NAHBPC Champions!

This weekend marked the 5th annual occurrence of the North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship, hosted by the Minneapolis Polo Club at the remarkable Roseville Skating Oval. 2013 has proven to be one of the most competitive and progressive seasons we’ve ever had and not enough can be said about this event. We’d like to […]

The future of NAH Referee Certification

In an effort to advance the education of the rules for players and the confidence of referees, we have developed a site that will provide learning materials and testing capabilities to be used for the NAH Referee Certification system. This is our first effort and only an initial step in developing a final product. We […]

WHBPC 2013 Continental Regional Registration Info

The community of World Hardcourt Bike Polo is wrapping up it’s international championships schedule and has patiently waited for the breakdown of entrants to the WHBPC 2013 being held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 16th-20th. Wait no more! The team distribution is as follows: 20 North America [based on placing finish at the North […]


We sit exactly 4 weeks away from the 2013 North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships being held in Minneapolis, MN! August 16-18 are the dates and the invitations have been sent! Congratulations to the teams that qualified to participate this year! You can find the list here: All teams have been contacted and the […]

The Guardians Win Cascadia!

The final qualifier was held in Seattle this weekend and featured one of the strongest fields in the country. We’re not sure how many years in a row this has been for the Guardians, but they managed to do it again! Congratulations to the 9 teams who qualified: 1st Guardians (Cody, julian, Dustin SEA) 2nd […]