Here is where you can voice your opinion for 2014 changes. The wording of these polls is NOT how the exact rule will be written, but rather they are put in plain language so we can get a general idea of what the community would like to see next year. These polls are only used […]
After 94 elimination games, Beavers won the World Championship.
What a week we had down in Weston, Florida. After a Wildcard, 2 days of swiss round play, a day full of heartbreaking double elimination games and some temporary rain: North America’s Beavers came out on top in a decisive 5-1 victory over reigning champions Call Me Daddy. The venue was spectacular and you couldn’t […] needs your feedback!
The stream team is collecting feedback from viewers and has a survey to fill out. Please send this to all family and friends that were watching you play at the NAHBPC from back home. Thank you! Click here for the survey. .
World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships are coming up fast! Time for registration. We are now accepting FULL team registration for all those qualified to participate in the WHBPC and for those hoping to be in the Wild Card Entry tournament. You should know if you’re considered qualified or not. Please check with your International Continental […]
Beavers are your 2013 NAHBPC Champions!
This weekend marked the 5th annual occurrence of the North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship, hosted by the Minneapolis Polo Club at the remarkable Roseville Skating Oval. 2013 has proven to be one of the most competitive and progressive seasons we’ve ever had and not enough can be said about this event. We’d like to […]