North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


Survey for WHBPC planners/organizers.

On behalf of the worldwide polo community, we took some advice from a LOBP thread (found here) and decided to ask the community a few questions. This is an informal surveyed, merely used for reference regarding various organizing topics. Since there is no unified world organizing body this information is pretty superficial. None the less, […]

Proposed Regional & Structure Changes for 2014

In an effort to provide a more equitable and competitive NAH Championship series, two key changes are being proposed to the qualifying system – the creation of new regions and a return to an open region qualifying system. The purpose of these changes is it make it as easy as possible for teams to attempt […]

Rules Voting for 2014

We’ve set up an informal poll on certain disputed rules that you can find here: 2014 Rules Votes Have your voice heard for the future of competitive bike polo!   You can join in the discussion here and contact the Rules committee here..

Voting 2014

Here is where you can voice your opinion for 2014 changes. The wording of these polls is NOT how the exact rule will be written, but rather they are put in plain language so we can get a general idea of what the community would like to see next year. These polls are only used […]

After 94 elimination games, Beavers won the World Championship.

What a week we had down in Weston, Florida. After a Wildcard, 2 days of swiss round play, a day full of heartbreaking double elimination games and some temporary rain: North America’s Beavers came out on top in a decisive 5-1 victory over reigning champions Call Me Daddy. The venue was spectacular and you couldn’t […]