North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


Looking for Club Bench Refs

Now that the team list and most rosters have been finalized, we’d like to begin recruiting referees to schedule for the Bench Championship in a few weeks. Bruce and Joe will be there refereeing full time, but it would be great if we could get more non-playing referees to volunteer, and we encourage every team […]

Posted in NAH

Bid for WHBPC 2015

During the worlds, there were discussions between the EHBPA, Australasia, and the NAH regarding the worlds. Timaru, NZ will be submitting a formal bid to host worlds in late 2015 within the next few weeks. It’s not expected that any other clubs will compete for that (assuming the bid is up to the standard expected). […]

Bench Championships Details

It’s been a few weeks since NAs, and we are hoping you’ve decided as a club whether you are coming to Lexington for the NAH Bench Champs. The deadline for registration is Sunday August 17th. After that spots will be handed down to the next clubs. If you aren’t planning to come, please also let […]

Posted in NAH

North America at WHBPC14

The following list of teams going, or maybe going to the Worlds. We have plenty of reserved wildcard spots for NA teams available, and possibly even some main event spots. Please let me know asap if you want to go. All teams must register by July 28th, at Main event: 1) Beavers – confirmed […]