North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


2015 NAHBPC Announced +

We would like to announce that the 2015 North American Championships will be held on the weekend of 17-20 September, in Lexington, KY. This year will include a wildcard on the Thursday, followed by the usual Friday-Sunday format. The dates are still provisional at this point. The NAH Bench Championship is likely to take place […]

German translation of NAH Ruleset

Thanks to Graz Bike Polo, in Austria, who have translated the NAH rules into German. The original English ruleset is the only one applicable to NAH tournaments (we hope to change this sooner rather than later, at least for Spanish and French), this may be very useful for those whose first language is German, and […]

New NAH Initiative to Grow

NAH has a new initiative. In effort to grow the sport, promote bike polo clubs, and foster polo culture in North America, we’re putting special effort into how we can build, improve, and expand bike polo infrastructure. This means clubs having greater access to spaces, and working with municipalities to build permanent courts. To be […]

Posted in NAH

WHBPC 2015 – Timaru, NZ

NAH would like to confirm we will not be bidding for the World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship 2015! We approve and support the bid from Timaru, NZ. We will be focussing on putting a bid together for the next Worlds, with the intention of it being in summer 2017..

Portland wins first-ever NAH Bench Championship!

Congratulations to Portland Bike Polo for winning the first ever North American Club Bench Championships! The tournament was a great success, and we can’t wait for 2015 for it to happen again. We will be looking for feedback on how we can improve it, you’ll see some surveys soon. If you club can provide 3 […]