North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


2016 Season: Survey Results, NAHBPC & Worlds Hosts

Thank you to everyone who filled in our survey. We had over 350 responses, and it’s provided us with some great info. I’m going to discuss what these results mean for NAH tournaments going forward, and what needs to happen to achieve those aims.   Demographics We received responses from a wide range of players, […]

2016 Tournament Survey

With the Worlds in Timaru fresh in the memory, and preparations starting for the 2016 season, we would like players in North America, and throughout the world, to provide us with feedback on what they think NAH tournaments should look like. We have gathered plenty of feedback since NAHBPC 2015 regarding what individuals want, but […]

Posted in NAH


© Kev Walsh 2012, The format for the NAHBPC 2015 is going to change slightly from the past few years. The main thinking behind this is to condense the amount of time anyone needs to be playing, meaning shorter periods of time between games, and being able to relax for 2/3 of the day. […]

NAH Club Bench Championship 2015

© Liam Gilson 2014, The NAH Club Bench Championship 2015 will be taking place in Guadalajara, Mexico, over three days, Friday Nov 20th – Sunday Nov 22nd. Teams will be either club or region based. A maximum of 12 teams will play in one of two round robin groups, playing 5 games over Friday afternoon, and Saturday. […]

Posted in NAH

NAHBPC and Wildcard Registration

NAHBPC Registration NAHBPC registration is now open. Fees are $40 per player. The fees may be charged any time after the team registers. Register here: Only teams which consist of 2/3 players from teams on this list may register. This list will be updated, if teams do not claim their spot. SEQ 4/4 Arnold […]