North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


Squad is Here!

Happy New Year from the NAH! In 2017, the NAH will be hosting the WHBPC and will be welcoming polo players from around the world. We have already begun preparation for the upcoming competitive season which for us means hosting the NAHBPC and the WHBPC, along with administrative support to the regional qualifiers. The bidding […]

We Want You!

With the NAH coordinating two majors in 2017, we feel it best to do a public call for volunteers to assist the real labor of fundraising and planning the NAHBPC and WHBPC.  The working group will meet online every two-three weeks to divide tasks and provide status updates.  The working group will be facilitated by me, […]

2017 NAHPBC and WHBPC: Call for Bids

  We are happy to announce we’re now accepting bids for the 2017 NAHBPC and WHBPC! The NAHBPC is slated for July and Worlds will be hosted in September. If you and your club are interested in hosting one of these events, head over to the Bike Polo Calendar to get more details about the […]

Meet the NAH Team

Meet your NAH 2017 season team! We are excited about the coming year and working to grow the sport! Alias Tagami NAH President As your new President, Alias has some big plans for NAH this year: he wants to see bike polo grow at the club level and he is rolling up his sleeves […]

Posted in NAH


Early in 2016, Ben approached me about taking over the leadership of the NAH.  We had talked on many occasions about what mission the organization was best to address.  He was ready to step down, and I had some drive in me to make 2017 a year of polo revival and celebration. But, let’s get […]