North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


WHBPC Teaser

First off, we need to ask a favor of the polo community. In order for us to stream to mobile, YouTube requires that we have at least 100 subscribers. So if you could take 30 seconds and click the button below to subscribe to our channel, that would enable everyone to stream this year’s WHBPC […]

WHBPC Livestream Watch Parties

WHBPC Livestream – Watch Party Support & Giveaway NAHBPA and Lexington Bike Polo are proud to announce we are producing a high-quality livestream of the World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship on October 6th and 7th on the NAH YouTube channel – at no charge to the viewer and free of external advertising. Our hope is […]

WHBPC Team Lists

Players and Spectators: It is imperative that you complete these forms. Volunteering, Refereeing, Housing, Shirt Sizes – everything we need to know is based on these poll answers. If you do not fill these out, it makes planning a great event much more difficult. Follow the links: Player Form Non-Player Form   MAIN EVENT TEAM […]

Polling: WHBPC Visitors to Lexington

If you’re coming to the WHBPC, we need some information from you!  The more information we have, the better the NAH and Lexington Bike Polo will be able to make your visit excellent.  Please note that there are two forms: Player Form Non-Player Form We are collecting information for shirts, volunteers, refs, and arrival/departure dates. […]

The Control are Back-to-Back Champs at ’17 NAHBPC

The Control have won this year’s North American Bike Polo Championship, for the second year in a row! The Control hail from San Francisco, CA and feature Andrew Weyland, Eric Stahl David, Forrest Timonere, Jackie Rust, Bruce Wahl. They won 7-6 over Bob Ross from Seattle. The NAHBPC MVP goes to Daren McLean from Mosquito! […]