North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Association

Organizing Bike Polo in North America Since 2010


WHBPC Bid Candidates

The World Bike Polo Organizing Committee have received three bids to host the 9th World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship.  The committee is composed of representatives from NAH, EHBA, AHBPA, AsiaHBPA, and BPLA.  The last two continental regions to host (NA and Aus/NZ) were not eligible to bid unless there were no competitive bids submitted.  Fortunately […]

Milwaukee to Host NAHBPC 2018

The NAH is very pleased to announce that the 2018 NAHBPC will be returning to Milwaukee, WI! Milwaukee (MKE) has been a bike polo institution in the short history of our sport.  It has forged champions, and it no stranger to hosting major events.  The NAH knows that the MKE club will provide an excellent […]

WHBPC Call for Bids

The World Hardcourt Bike Polo Organising Board is seeking early bids to host the 9th edition of the World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship. As previously advised, bids will be accepted only from Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Interested host clubs or regions are asked to complete the following form to provide information on their preliminary […]

2018 NAHBPC Bids Due April 15th!

  NAHBPC The NAH is now collecting bid information from clubs interested in hosting the 2018 NAHBPC.  This year we are providing start-up funds (up to $2,275.00 USD!) to help ensure the best quality event possible and to encourage quality bid submissions.  Read more about this year’s Regional Qualifiers and Continental Championship here. Here is […]

2018 NAHBPC Bids & Regional Qualifiers

Welcome to the official call for bids for the 2018 NAHBPC. This year’s call is going to be different than past years. As you might know last year the NAH brought an added level of support and collaboration to the NAHBPC than in past years. We helped create schedules for the tournament, we aided in […]